Our new herd of cattle arrives at the river Vina du Sud!

Finally, our new herd of 30 Gudali Zebu cattle has been installed on the paddock near the river Vina du Sud. These 15 cows together with their newborn calfs shall be exposed to natural transmission of Onchocerca ochengi by Simulium squamosum blackflies for as long as 8 years. The aim of this study is to follow-up the acquistion of parasites by individual animals and to monitore the population dynamics of their worm load. Adult worms can be quantitatively assessed by palpation of the ventral skin and microfilariae of O. ochengi are counted from skin biopsies taken from the ventral skin.

Abstract from the German society for Parasitology (DGP) meeting in Duesseldorf


The German society for Parasitology celebrated it’s 50th anniversary this year. Over 150 specialists took part in the annual conference between 16 – 20 March 2010 at the Heinrich Heine university in Duesseldorf.


Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Parasitologie e.V. veranstaltet im 50. Jahr seit ihrer Gründung ihre 24. Tagung gemeinsam mit der 29. Tagung der Deutsche Gesellschaft für Protozoologie e.V. an der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf. Zwischen dem 16. bis 20. März 2010 sind über 150 parasitologische und protozoologische Fachvorträge und zusätzliche Plenarvorträge geplant. (source dpg website)

For an abstract from the DGP Meeting please click ‘read more’ below.

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Albert's Report 2010 (DE)

Hallo liebe Freunde und Famillie et bienvenue dans la centre du Africa a Cameroun!

Hier kann sich der interessierte Besucher ein Bild machen von meinen ersten Eindrücken, die ich in Kamerun gerade mache… um eines vorwegzunehmen, jeder Tag ist voller Bilder die sich einprägen…

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Reiling's Report 2009 (EN)

Suddenly I was in Africa… My new home for the next few months is in Ngaoundere, Cameroon. In this town in the mountainous inner region of Cameroon is a small field station of the Onchocercoses Project with a network of collaboration partners in Germany and Cameroon. Since the project has just started, all the equipment and material had to be brought in our luggage from Germany (Fig.1). It actually took me nearly a week to order all chemicals and arrange everything in the bags that each did not weigh more than 23 kg. Even two microscopes were included in the luggage.

Results released from the BNI

Results on the search for secreted immunomodulatory proteins from strongyloides released by

Click here for the published results from the Bernhard Nocht Institute (PDF)